

LEADERSHIP Trips support personal change work and deep relaxation. They offer the beauty of nature, are places to meet and the setting for further training and development. Our trips are an opportunity to take your life back into your own hands, the place where you lay the groundwork for stress reduction and a self-determined life. The INSTITUT SOMMER designs all LEADERSHIP Trips on a tailor-made basis.

Are LEADERSHIP Trips the right thing for you?

This form of process-oriented travel is aimed at people:

  • Who wish to complete, or are completing, a LEADERSHIP Development programme
  • Who would like to take an educational trip (professional training, further or advanced)
  • Who decide to spend part of their holiday working on themselves in a group setting
  • Who live close to nature and wish to expand their current level of perception
  • Who wish to give real meaning to their lives
  • Who are ‘all heart’ and wish to live in harmony with the outside world

Who wish to see strength in sensitivity
Participation in LEADERSHIP Trips is conditional on your psychological and physical health.

Our next trips

28 - 31 December 2020 Culture Yard Dretzn

The 12 nights of Christmas 2020 are the perfect time to initiate the turning point towards positivity – particularly after the global crisis year of 2020 that was a challenge on every level.

This is why, on this coaching trip, you pacify all those conflicts that are currently jeopardising your company, your professional position, your health or even your partnership and family.

You use the intensive 12-nights-of-Christmas period to prepare your professional and private life for 2021 in a targeted, consistent and vibrant way, and to steel yourself for the further course of the crisis.

What participants have said:

"The body needs much more rest than I thought, and much more than I have given it up to now. Negative experiences and the resulting negative information are stored in long-term muscle tension, among other things. When you rest, this tension leaves the body. Now I can use the power that this process sets free for positive, creative ideas for my company’s development. Examining positive roles and the positive side has given me more support in switching my approach from problem-oriented to solution-oriented and establishing distance and limits where my own behaviour or that of my environment is harmful for me. Engaging with something is always a form of letting go.”
Beate Birnick, managing director of an engineering company in the construction industry ​
"The journey was an indescribably refreshing experience for me. Through gentle work and Iceland’s natural beauty, I learnt to look at my development from a positive, light-hearted, very happy viewpoint. This was a completely new approach and showed me that that I am very distanced from my feelings when I’m relaxing. I hadn’t been aware of that before. Now I look at myself and my development in a new way and can pursue this path very energetically.”
Anne Hagedorn
"The LEADERSHIP trip to Iceland was a milestone for me in many ways in my process and development work. Personally, I took great strides forwards, because I was able to experience very clearly what was blocking me. What’s more, Institut Sommer has elevated the process work experienced so far to another level. Working with the ‘plus’ approach, with the feeling of seeing and observing the process from the ‘other’ side and, after years of work, having the chance to live out what was developed in the ‘plus’ approach, has literally catapulted me forwards. The location was fabulous. Working in this country, in these incredible, bizarre surroundings, with such lovely people, was just great. Many thanks to Anke Sommer and the whole institute – I’ll be back! 😊”
Felix Richter
"During the LEADERSHIP trip I learnt and internalised a completely new way of thinking: how to continually look at the aspects of myself that I don’t like from the positive side, that is, with joy, detachment and acceptance. The great thing is that in this way I can much more easily accept and integrate unconscious aspects of my personality.”
Anika Fischer
"The LEADERSHIP trip to Tuscany offered an entirely different kind of LEADERSHIP work to what we have done previously. Together, we got to know LEADERSHIP cuisine according to Anke Sommer. It is perfectly tailored to individual LEADERSHIP types, supporting them and promoting their health. We went shopping specifically with this in mind and prepared dishes together that make the digestive organs’ task much easier, particularly the pancreas and liver, the detoxifying organs. Anke Sommer explained to everyone exactly why, for example, it is important to eat the food we prepared in a certain order, to aid digestion. And each of us was given recommendations for how to keep up their LEADERSHIP cuisine at home and continue to support their own body. The effect of LEADERSHIP cuisine on our nutrition is great. After one week, my sleep improved immensely. I experienced long phases of deep sleep again and felt far more rested when I woke up. And that in turn has a positive influence on my everyday professional life. Both my stress resistance and my capacity to work have improved. My whole sense of well-being increased enormously during this short time. Adjusting your nutrition to your LEADERSHIP type gradually detoxifies your body, which only has to digest food that is good for it. Your body is no longer given anything else. I can now use the increased energy freed up by this process for my everyday work. And what’s more, the trip brought me another step closer to myself.

Learning how LEADERSHIP cuisine works in this positive group of people is a great experience. At the same time, work on your own LEADERSHIP is always part of the group experience – taking responsibility for your actions and for the group’s joint success every minute of the day.
Thank you so much for the experiences and insights gained through your LEADERSHIP cuisine, dear Anke, and I’m looking forward to the next LEADERSHIP trip with a wonderful group.”
Beate Birnick, Geschäftsführerin einer Ingenieursgesellschaft im Bauwesen
"For me, the LEADERSHIP trip to Tuscany was a time of more fully assimilating fundamental topics that I have been pondering for a long time, topics that repeatedly bring me and my company to our limits. The intensive work combined with individualised nutrition and the solid block of work in one week gave me awareness and insights in this area. The coaching work is closely related to reality, particularly in relation to the professional field, and has a measureable effect on positive developments.” Dipl.-Wirt.
Ing. Martin Berger, authorised management representative
"For me, the LEADERSHIP trip to Tuscany was a time of more fully assimilating fundamental topics that I have been pondering for a long time, topics that repeatedly bring me and my company to our limits. The intensive work combined with individualised nutrition and the solid block of work in one week gave me awareness and insights in this area. The coaching work is closely related to reality, particularly in relation to the professional field, and has a measureable effect on positive developments.” Dipl.-Wirt.
Ing. Martin Berger, authorised management representative
"Giovanni, vieni e aiutami con il giardinaggio!" I heard someone saying one morning outside my window. Gioseppe was talking loudly on his phone and gesticulating wildly, as Italians do. The LEADERSHIP trip to Tuscany was like a holiday for me. The liveliness, the cosiness and of course Anke Sommer’s LEADERSHIP cuisine all helped me to become more and more positive. Even though personality development can be a rocky road, for me it’s becoming lighter and more joyful than ever. I soon realised even more clearly what is holding me back from my strength and how I can succeed in living my own LEADER’s personality more fully. We’re Group 14 + ! 😉 that keeps growing. And me … I’m the tourist who’ll go anywhere with the group. (Insider) Thank you, Anke, for this experience.
Anne Hagedorn