This is where experienced crisis manager Anke Sommer shares invaluable tips on how to apply self-management to deal with crisis situations and ensure successful crisis management.
The tips are aimed to benefit entrepreneurs and people in responsible positions when faced with professional or business crises. We also take into account current social or global developments, such as the on-going Corona crisis that is restricting both public life and the economic activity of many companies and all concerned.
This situation is creating a huge challenge for many people. Anke Sommer’s crisis management creates a framework that restores your ability to act and enables you to re-focus on solutions. Crises also offer great opportunities for further development and innovation.
Our aim is to see you emerge from the crisis stronger than ever, able to develop your qualities as an entrepreneur and as a leadership personality.
"The crisis is not just happening now; it is also being created by the decisions being taken now. The more irrational these decisions, the more powerful their impacts in the coming days and months."
Crisis Management at INSTITUT SOMMERINSTITUT SOMMER is not only the name of our company, but also the expression of the approach we take towards the requests we receive. Read more here.... Read more:
Crisis consultation that is tailored to your needs
In a crisis, you really don’t have a moment to lose. So your first step is to prepare your consultation with us. Write down your problem in a few words, for example:
“My staff are getting more and more emotional.”
“I’m very concerned about our economic viability.”
“Instead of being active, I’m passive – I’m becoming increasingly paralysed professionally.”
The consultation provides the solution suggestions that you’re not coming up with because of the crisis. It also helps to free you from your passivity or reactive behaviour.
Even if everything around you grinds to a halt: make sure that there’s activity in your business. We’ll help you to achieve this.
Make an appointment for your consultation. You can either call or write to us:
030-500 140 36 or
During the Corona crisis, we’re offering all consultations by telephone only, or ideally via Zoom or similar providers.
Tips for the crisis
Ask yourselves these questions: they will help you to cope more confidently and objectively with the situation:
- In what areas has the crisis made me lose my objectivity?
- How can I regain my objectivity?
- What flexible actions are needed to ensure that the restrictions to my activity don’t affect me economically?
- How can I manage the panic?
To answer these questions as well as you can, detach yourself from emotional reactions.