Leadership Coaching Workshop 06

Power, (self-)management and growth

Leadership Principle:

Living out your own core skills​

Taking positions of power, securing (self-)management through the first-person perspective and experiencing growth as beneficial

This LEADERSHIP workshop takes the value of power, as determined systemically, into the beneficial realm.

The topic of power is historically charged, just like the historical role conflict between male and female. If we don’t gain awareness in key historical conflicts of this kind, history influences us subconsciously, without our being able to counter it consciously. So you live out old patterns, instead of being true to yourself. These old patterns arose on the basis of a violent or extreme event within your historical family background. The longer you live out these alien patterns, the more they’ll be reflected in your external appearance. You feel burdened and harassed, and helpless to do anything about the situation. If you don’t embark on a process that makes you aware of what’s going on and enables you to clear it up, you’ll be burdened by a subconscious conflict that has its roots in the abuse of power.

Advantages of natural power

  • If you draw on your natural power, then you can express yourself clearly.
  • You can introduce demands and needs objectively without hurting others or yourself.
  • You are able to live in beneficial relationships without unconsciously keeping your opposite number at a distance.
  • You retain your positive viewpoint even under pressure.
  • You are self-confident.
  • You can bear closeness – so you are now fully capable of having relationships. This ability to have relationships is necessary to enable you to enter beneficial, rather than abusive, relationships in both your private and professional life. That is the precondition to positive acceptance of positions of responsibility.
  • You usually stay calm, even under pressure. If you don’t manage to stay calm, your natural power competence shows its limits, in that you can no longer create positive results. Instead of despairing about this, you can work against it and so reduce the pressure on your chest.
  • In this way, your natural power is outside the control of your mind, which turns out to be extremely positive. It gives you access to your somatic intelligence and an escape route from your rational control. To put it clearly, you are not powerless, even if your mind happens to have a pronounced controlling tendency.
  • You don’t consider power to be negative in itself; you simply divide it into beneficial and non- beneficial.
  • You extract yourself from suppression cycles one by one.
  • You immediately recognise negative power mechanisms because your body shows an immediate reaction.

Facts about your personal power

In order to live an authentic life, you need to be linked to your natural power. You should be aware of your historical and family-related burdens, so you don’t unconsciously switch to non-beneficial behaviour.

Your beneficial power is located in your ego. You need this to safeguard your existence and to enable you to live out beneficial relationships in both your private and professional life. Due to evolution, your ego is rooted in the centre of your body, in the region of your chest and heart. As a result, this region is burdened until you take up the topic, order it and become conscious of it. Metaphorically speaking, you’re under pressure, particularly in your body’s core.

In the LEADERSHIP workshop, you go through a process of becoming aware

  1. You sort your history into the categories ‘beneficial’ and ‘non-beneficial’.
  2. You detoxify the area of NON-beneficial power. Only when this process is complete can you turn to your natural power that depends on your archetype on the one hand and is derived from your LEADERSHIP type on the other.
  3. In the third workshop phase, you check your progress in practice. You gain experience in applying your natural power. If you can get in touch with it, you have fully addressed and detoxified the NON-beneficial side. If you can’t get in touch with it, you continue to address this side with our support.
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