
Doctors have dedicated themselves to the health of others. They deal professionally with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness. A doctor can work in research or be employed in hospital as a junior or senior physician or as a consultant. If a doctor chooses to integrate process-support knowledge into his or her work, the impact of that work then changes; they then see even short-term contacts with patients as relationship work. As time is tight, they need to develop an understanding of signals in order to quickly understand the condition of the person they’re seeing. They will also make efforts to include co-workers and colleagues as additional mouthpieces for patients. In the sense of LEADERSHIP Work, all the trained staff present reflect the climate in the practice or clinic, which is why they all responsible for creating an atmosphere that is conducive to healing. Thanks to facilitation methods, the practice or hospital department will become more approachable and a more pleasant experience for patients and specialist staff alike. The stress level sinks through increased awareness that every action must have a positive outcome.