
A person’s key boundary is created by the limitation of being human. It is the death of the human body that limits a person’s development in this world. Crises, stress and states of shock experienced for more than three weeks bring us closer to this limit, and in the worst-case scenario take us over it. If we come close to the limit then an accumulation of crisis signals can be identified from the outside. If we recognise these signals then we need to stop and distance ourselves from the train going in the ‘wrong direction’, as the deeper you go into the border zone, the more powerful the wrong train becomes, which is marked by a closing down at the emotional level and a ‘don’t-care’ feeling. A positive attitude works as soon as you become aware of the outcome inherent in dealing with this limit. Once awareness has been reached, it protects you from your own blindness, which increases in this border area. LEADERSHIP COACHING ‘Group ProcessesPersonal processes reflect the individual stages of our personality development and make our current stage externally visible.... Read more in Challenging Situations’ deals with experiencing this limit, recognising crisis signals and taking a positive approach to the boundary.