august 2021

14.08–15.08.2021Systemic Conflict Management according to Anke SommerLEADERSHIP-Coaching Workshop(All Day) INSTITUT SOMMEREvent Type :LEADERSHIP Coaching Workshops


Event Details

The decisive limit for humans is created by the limit imposed on human life itself. It is the death of the human body that limits people in their development within this world. The LEADERSHIP Coaching workshop, Crisis Communication and Group Processes in challenging situations, focuses on precisely this border between life and death – because crises, stress and shock situations of all kinds bring us closer to this border – or in the worst case, take us across it. Managers discover where and when they encounter this natural limit and what signals indicate the border. If we are familiar with these signals, we can look out for them. However, if we have lost touch with ourselves and are already caught up in the burnout cycle, we lead ourselves and our environment (company) to the limits of its existence. We will be happy to inform you about the specific content of the leadership- coaching workshop "Group Processes in Challenging Situations" by email or klick here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Further information and contact

Information & Registration

Info-Phone: 030 - 500 140 36

599.00 EUR + VAT., without board and lodging


august 14 (Saturday) - 15 (Sunday)



Berliner Allee 81, 13088 Berlin