july 2020

08.07–08.07.2020MASTER PLAN Leadership - Make precise, targeted demands: Systemically useful and with integrated success assurancein Berlin1:30 pm - 6:30 pm INSTITUT SOMMEREvent Type :MASTER PLAN Leadership


Event Details

Make precise, targeted demands that include an integrated assurance of success and systematically serve the special orientation of the company.

  The MASTER PLAN Leadership at INSTITUT SOMMER is about systemic business development. The MASTER PLAN Leadership takes place under the direction of Anke Sommer once a month in Berlin. Entrepreneurs - whether (fresh) founders or experienced business leaders - as well as responsible persons are cordially welcome to further develop their company and their position. First and foremost are the needs of the company. Always. Each participant personifies his company, makes it bigger than himself and subordinates himself to this (legal) person. In this way, you ensure that you always act in the interests of your company and always positively. Both guarantee you financial security now and in the future. The main focus is on strategic issues and the identification of obstacles to success. Within the MASTER PLAN Leadership in the INSTITUT SOMMER you will find out what you have to change about yourself and processes in your company in order to allow the natural stream of success of your company. In the long term, the MASTER PLAN Leadership for Systemic Business Development with Anke Sommer also aims to ensure that entrepreneurs can act flexibly and intuitively secure as entrepreneurs and responsible persons. Together, we develop methodical approaches that are tailored to you in order to bring your personal liquidity into the positive. This is done on the basis of 2-5-7 goals. These goals arise from your business concept and fit your sustainable strategy.

What makes the MASTER PLAN Leadership at INSTITUT SOMMER so special?

What is special here is that unconscious obstacles that stand between you and the success you are entitled to become clear to you. As a systemic management consultant, Anke Sommer recognises your hidden and unique abilities and how you can use them to become personally and entrepreneurially successful. Furthermore, the 'Sommer MASTER PLAN Leadership' gives you the opportunity to work on your unrivalled position and to build up a unique market presence. Furthermore, in our SOMMER-Method, whose approach is also pursued in the MASTER PLAN Leadership, we ensure that every entrepreneur can achieve his goals in a healthy way. It is important that you achieve your goals in as short a time as possible and do not sacrifice yourself in the process. Your well-being and self-preservation are the basis for healthy entrepreneurship - even in busy times. The MASTER PLAN Leadership in the INSTITUT SOMMER provides you with plenty of system-relevant and deeply effective input. Together we will develop a suitable, immediate catalogue of measures for you - and all this at high speed! Each participant gets enough space and time to address the individual, current topics and to create solutions in the group. The MASTER PLAN Leadership brings together entrepreneurs and managers from different industries who share the challenges and joys of self-employment and entrepreneurship. Profitable side effects of MASTER PLAN Leadership? You get to know new people, learn from each other, get new food for thought and can inspire other people.

Further information and contact

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Info-Phone: 030 - 500 140 36

825,00 EUR plus VAT per modul


(Wednesday) 1:30 pm - 6:30 pm



Berliner Allee 81, 13088 Berlin