The classification of people into concepts of type is a basic part of human thinking. The Magician archetype is one of the typological orientations and is mentioned in the Enneagram (ancient Greek for ‘something written’). Magician archetypes are rather difficult for others to grasp, because developed Magicians can see things that others can’t. They translate what they perceive and make this comprehensible to others. This is their task. Magicians’ special feature is their dark side. If they don’t accept this then they come across as sinister to the outside world, or impossible to pin down, and are readily slotted into another pigeonhole. It is important for Magicians to perceive this special characteristic first and then to accept it and not allow themselves to be stigmatised. The more humbly they use their expertise for the benefit of the community, the more positively they are seen in the outside world. Magician archetypes therefore have a special access to success. It is not uncommon for their lives to be beset by adversity until they learn to accept this as part of their task. They are either destroyed by this adversity or they grow beyond it, in which case they can use their perceptive skills as a matter of course and for everyone’s benefit. More in-depth information about the archetypes is provided in the LEADERSHIP Workshop ‘Recognising and Practising Leadership Types’.