Systemic business development

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Systemic company development is implemented according to the SOMMER Method, developed by Anke Sommer. Anke has concentrated on gathering and methodically preparing her continually growing store of experience since the early 1990s, and this valuable resource is integrated into her method.

Systemic company development comprises the removal of disruptive factors from the past, awareness development for people with responsibility and the facilitation of a change-management process that ensures the transition to interference-free communication and healthy growth. The basic principle of the SOMMER Method is to implement actions with positive consequences that benefit everyone. In this way, company development moves towards a violence-free system, the foundation for healthy and positive success. The creation and development of environmentally friendly concepts is therefore one of the core topics in company development.

Remove conflicts – don’t suppress them! Conflict management means becoming aware of conflict impacts.

Invaluable tips on how to deal with crisis situations and successful crisis management based on self-management.

Systemic-sociological change management based on the SOMMER Method©.

A meeting point on the topic of internal company development for entrepreneurs, self-employed people and managers.