Combine teambuilding events with change processes. Our coaching packages aim to promote team and management development. People in positions of responsibility are enabled to make use of their strength. Our coaching package supports teams consisting only of managers to expand their feeling for internal processes and gain ideas for leadership in difficult situations. To achieve this, we deliberately pursue unconventional paths. The programme brings you into closer contact with each other, helps you to sense physical solidarity, to laugh your head off, and to develop trust in one another.
Combining fun and development. Facilitated by an expert and specialist coach.
Tailored to fit your goals.
Coaching Packages

Survival retreat – outdoor
team building for managers
This manager development activity focuses on enabling you to deal with crisis potentials without losing your own centre – whatever happens.

Water adventures –
outdoor team building –
team and management development
This experience is suitable for teams and manager groups that are suffering from stress and have to cope daily with excessive demands.

Night-time river walk – outdoor team building
The walk promotes intuitive communication and blind trust. Your intellect can take a break. The group prepares together for this development process; then we step out into the darkness.

LEADERSHIP meets Berlin – team-building city tour
In this development process, you experience Berlin and work on your topics. Meals are provided at unusual locations.

Business theatre – Shadow theatre – LEADERSHIP Theatre
You can laugh, be amazed and applaud. This team-building event is particularly well suited to teams and groups that are faced with permanent stress.

Event: Aiming high – team building through climbing
In this manager development event, we take away your external security props in order to access your inner security.

Theatre team building – shadow theatre as a team development measure in companies
Shadow theatre is a very special team-building method that strongly promotes the creativity, intelligence and inventiveness of the team.

Teamathon – Change Management Prozess
The teamathon develops a stronger network of staff across departments and area borders.
Our packages increase your awareness of your physical sensitivity and let it take centre stage.
We support teams that want to develop.
We strengthen companies that value a positive working climate and intend that their work should benefit the world.
We strengthen managers and people in positions of responsibility in their awareness of internal processes.
Our coaching packages are the basic elements of the leadership development programme.
Each package includes a group coaching session and a selected activity.