december 2021
Power and Intuition in Leadership according to Anke Sommer - INSTITUT SOMMER
- Berliner Allee 81, 13088 Berlin
Event Details
Finding your calling: what is the difference between someone who is true to themselves and someone who would like to be, but can’t? Satisfaction. This LEADERSHIP Coaching workshop focuses on becoming
Event Details
Finding your calling: what is the difference between someone who is true to themselves and someone who would like to be, but can’t? Satisfaction. This LEADERSHIP Coaching workshop focuses on becoming aware of and utilising your greatest but least conspicuous skill. This skill is your deepest talent that you have had since you were a child, an ability that you are deeply familiar with, but not conscious of. The aim of this workshop is to work on uncovering and making you aware of this ability that turns our work into a calling. Among the nine personality types, there are three groups that automatically create a link to things that the majority of people cannot grasp. These three groups sense everything that is not visible. Their superordinate task is to make this information available to everyone else, but that only works when these people know and make use of their deepest talent. The other six groups possess abilities that comprise exceptionally great strength when they are developed. If you develop these abilities, your life gains a good and positive meaning. Secretly everyone is drawn to this meaningfulness. That is the basic idea behind the Champion’s Journey as mediated by Anke Sommer. By using your ability, you grow to surpass yourself. Your importance for your surrounding environment increases to the degree that you use your special ability. We will be happy to inform you about the specific content of the leadership- coaching workshop "Finding your calling" by email or klick here. We look forward to hearing from you!
Further information and contact
Information & RegistrationInfo-Phone: 030 - 500 140 36
599.00 EUR + VAT., without board and lodging
december 4 (Saturday) - 5 (Sunday) +02:00