The LEADERSHIP Sayings by Anke SommerThe LEADERSHIP Sayings by Anke Sommer are the results of her many years’ experience as a business und personality coach. The following words of wisdom help you to reflect on yourself, to pause in difficult situations, and to find your way back to the positivity path. The LEADERSHIP Sayings by Anke Sommer offer you strength, a sense of security, and... are the results of her many years’ experience as a business und personality coach. The following words of wisdom help you to reflect on yourself, to pause in difficult situations, and to find your way back to the positivity path. The LEADERSHIP Sayings by Anke Sommer offer you strength, a sense of security, and clarity in the midst of entrepreneurial and professional challenges.
“The feasibility of things lies in your own hands, as does the beneficial outcome of your actions. It is only by assuming responsibility that you succeed in having an advantageous effect.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Don’t allow yourself to be threatened existentially by the crisis, but instead manage the existential threat.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Negative actions are always negative, it’s just that there are times when negative actions prove to be doubly harmful.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“For whom do you live and work? For you! For whom do you make an effort to develop? For yourself! For whom do you block yourself? For your Self, to torment it.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Objectives are both good and bad. If the mind creates them, they’re limited; if the body creates them, you progress.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Longing is violence’s reparation instinct.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Overlooking violence means tolerating it in one’s own life. Have a look and see for yourself where violence is hiding.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“A helpless person lashes about. An active person acts. Only by acting can you get rid of your helplessness.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Not being aware of the first-person perspective is a punishment for everyone.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Don’t resist the present, manage it.” Anke Sommer
“It isn’t control that’s the problem but how you manage it.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“In the present moment, things come together and meet at a point. You know that it’s not good to express everything, but at the same time that it’s good to perceive everything – all the time.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“In the past, you succumb to force; in the present, you can react to it.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Only the past holds distress in store for you; the present provides you with challenges to be met.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Without a firm footing, you’re like butter in the sun. You melt and become rancid.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Accusation has negatives, just like defence. Accusation and defence belong together.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“A crisis, if objectively anticipated, is not a crisis.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The crisis is not just happening now; it is also being created by the decisions being taken now. The more irrational these decisions, the more powerful their impacts in the coming days and months.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The mind carries you to the grave. You heart carries you in its hands.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Development is part of life, destruction a lightning strike. Strengthen the good in your environment.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Wherever love is, is also a feeling of security. Never stop sharing that feeling of security.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Systems are stubborn; this has to do with their age. Change here is effected through the resolution of violent experiences.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“It isn’t sorrow that helps you out of misery but actions with positive outcomes.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Analysing things in psychological terms is a blessing for the sick and a curse for the healthy, since rationality is no replacement for the heart.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The person who gives up can only ever merely hope for the best.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Becoming violent yourself takes less time than slamming a door, and is also far quieter and less conspicuous.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Seeing reality for what it is, is a gift. Occasionally it appears to be a punishment rather than a reward, but this appearance is deceptive.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Being strong is as easy as being weak.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Doing something big starts very small.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Closed hearts turn to stone, open hearts to the Light, and cold hearts are dark.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The responsibility we receive, as a gift of life, is big; the responsibility we bear for doing good determines the intensity of our life.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Rather than life presenting you with challenges, your challenge is your reaction to the world.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“It is the decision to change that makes change possible.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“A guilty conscience only makes the situation in which you find yourself worse.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Love is possible everywhere; it is only where there’s violence that you won’t find any.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Telling a sad person they should be happy won’t achieve anything. Sharing joy with them will have a better impact.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Denying yourself things will lead sooner or later to a counter-reaction. It’s the mind that’s to blame. You can spare yourself the backlash by following your body.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“By wishing to partially repeat your parents’ life yourself, you remain unaware, question nothing and pass the responsibility to others.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You can’t take a fortune with you to Heaven, but you can use it to bring benefit to the world.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You change everything only when you want to.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Indifference is the start of stagnation; stagnation sustains grievances; grievances become part of a system if they persist for longer than seven weeks.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“A world without love is like a jam tart without the jam.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you think you won’t succeed then the likelihood of not succeeding increases. Become aware of this.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You don’t achieve big goals by thinking about them. Even pursuing them isn’t enough. They become achievable by overcoming old limitations. Only then can you act.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The power that arises from following your path is greater than the doubt that stands in your way.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You don’t recognise enemies by their outward appearance: you recognise them by your reaction to them.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Disturbances don’t go away on their own: you have to remove them.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You can’t transmute unawareness into awareness on your own, as in the former state you’re blind.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Limitations are so strong that they make you believe that you won’t achieve. This non-achievement is an illusion: your willpower facilitates achievement.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The system around you will always follow the most potent thoughts or most solid information. So ensure a good outcome to all your activities. Be alpha.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You can either set your compass for eventual despair or learn to accept old, painful stories as part of your normality and then put them behind you.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Hurt caused by others will only impact you if you allow it to.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The real art is in keeping your heart open and open-heartedness a part of your normal life.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Your objectivity and heart are good bedfellows, since this way you stay rooted, adhere to the facts and distance yourself from painful illusions.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If your plans and goals start making you anxious, stay true to them nonetheless and make each one a reality, one after the other.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Weak is only the person who doesn’t pursue their weaknesses; a strong person knows their weaknesses and deals with them.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Loving is impossible without opening one’s heart, as there can be no love without heart. For the closed heart, only the idea of loving remains.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Anyone repeating old patterns is blind to the present and true to the old system. The tricky thing is that these people don’t realise they’re doing it. Become aware of what you’re doing.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Wisdom is nothing other than recognising the correlations that have already played out in collective knowledge.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You stand above things once you’ve learnt neither to close your heart nor succumb to the pain of the harm caused to you. It’s a matter of maintaining distance at the appropriate time, creating space between you and any suffering, and protecting the path to warm-heartedness.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The more you notice things, the stronger your reaction will be to what really is. This is no step backwards but rather an invitation to understand your body’s signals and to follow them.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Every discovery you make ensures change towards positivity and increased personal strength. Each finding is followed by a test that reveals whether you’re also able to embody this change. In these tests, it is your heart that ensures that increased personal power doesn’t become a force for negativity, since if you don’t pass a particular test, you can’t embody the change.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“A ten-year-old child is the mirror of their past and their possible future. The observer sees traces of the experiences gathered and the child’s latent potential. This potential disappears later but can be tapped into again when awareness is achieved.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Awareness ensures proximity to the good in life but also requires you to pursue good at all times rather than destroying yourself by only seeing things negatively.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you cut yourself off, you can’t be on the good side of life.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Never stop being positive and influencing others with your infectious positivity.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Learn how to distance yourself if your heart is wounded – and learn how to open up despite your heart having been wounded.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“What appears negative today is of little importance tomorrow, provided you practise distance rather than succumbing to depressing thoughts.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Feeling unworthy doesn’t mean you are unworthy.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You discover your true ability as soon as you become aware of it.” Anke Sommer
“Stories sometimes help to expose what’s real, as not every society deals with reality as it actually is.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“How you show reality is irrelevant. The important thing is that you’re doing it.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You understand the power of systems once you become aware of it. Beforehand, you think that you’re the only one deciding your fate.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Rationality sometimes conceals a fear of looking at something too closely, so as not to have to assume responsibility for what arises from what you’ve seen.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The best way to guide the mind is by convincing it. You manage your thoughts using your cognitive faculties.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Wounded hearts heal slowly, but heal they do, through distance and your cognitive faculties. Recognise that wallowing in a wounded state is heartless and over time will destroy you.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you’ve lost the ability to cry, you can recover it by overcoming the violence that took your crying from you.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Fears are a mind-based phenomenon. They help less than they’re of use.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Your aspiration starts destroying you if it becomes an obstacle to action and you struggle with everything you have to do.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“‘Being there for something’ doesn’t really mean you’re even close to ‘belonging to something’. You belong to something if you decide to become a part of it.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“That which separates man and woman is located in the mind.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You can only be taken over if you heart is closed.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Your early experiences may determine the way you perceive things, but not reality as it actually is.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Respect is something you work for, contempt is something you merit.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Bravery is for irrational people. The wise no longer have bravery but rather the power to outdo the brave.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you lose your peace, you lose yourself.” Anke Sommer
“Changing yourself means losing your old sense of security to make way for a new, more beneficial attitude. Do away with any resulting pain by anticipating the good coming your way.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Be forgiving to yourself during your change phase; what’s developed over decades can’t disappear in minutes.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you possess the gift of humility, your quality of life is boosted by self-determination, freedom, and joy in your heart, since it is only with humility that you can change as an adult, beginning where life influences have restricted you too heavily.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Every challenge seems difficult to you if you’ve lost contact with your sense of self-worth.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Your delight in your changes will be easily surpassed by the results.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Patience comes from the mind, love from the heart. Always be aware that your patience is limited. If you want to change, you’ll only do it with the heart, since your patience will be exhausted before success has been achieved.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Limitations are born of the mind. They seem to be normal to us, since we’re unaware that only our mind can perceive a particular limitation. Thus, the mind obstructs the possibility of recognising the reality of our limitations and opportunities.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Asking matter-of-fact people to trust is the same as asking a non-swimmer finally to swim. If cognitive people start to trust, it means they’ve come into contact with their hearts.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“In the LEADERSHIP Development programme, immersing yourself in bad experiences in order to spend time thinking about them is like inviting unpleasant guests into your home: they’re difficult to get rid of and they depress the mood.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Your mind determines more than you think. If you wish to break away from your age, stop thinking about age and start working with your signals, as your body will tell you what it needs to be fit.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“What people most desire is often laughed at in everyday life. The same is true for the heart. We strive for love and yet it’s difficult to always follow the heart.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“An open heart doesn’t subordinate itself. It stands above things and is nonetheless warm.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you think you’ll never get through something, your blockage is only mind-based, not your reality.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you’re mourning the loss of someone who’s abandoned you, then through this grief you’re revealing your inability to hold yourself dear. Love yourself!” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The older you get, the more you portray what you least want to be. To avoid this, start effecting change in the areas where you like yourself least.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Many physical illnesses start in the mind, as your mind blocks your power of detection. The information that goes astray reveals how your behaviour is harming you. The clever one here is your body. It tells you what does you good, and what not. Take a look.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“One truly difficult realisation is grasping your temporal limitation. Recognising that you only have a limited time on Earth stops you getting angry. You start to love your work, appreciate your leisure time and enjoy closeness.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“We’re all champions. The true champion lives out their special talent without sensing the uniqueness of their input.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The angry person has lost themself.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you’re very ambitious then this is nothing good, since your lack of self-worth is hidden behind each ambition. Recognise how worthy you are, then your ambition has no need to try and show you how worthy you are, as ambition never leads to recognition of your worth.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Stress is the lost gateway to personal power.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“When you take up your position, everything around you seems negative at first. Be cautious but maintain your position. Negativity then goes away.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Who doesn’t manage force succumbs to it.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Your worth isn’t handed to you; it is your actions that bestow it upon you.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Don’t let an impending loss trap you in the problem.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You are what you embody, so, when you’re at peace, choose what you’d like to be and what you embody.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Everyone is an expert, provided they concentrate on what they are.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“It’s the entrepreneur’s obligation to think in terms of change.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Attention is the key to focus.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Your life is too short not to be focussed in it. Use your heart to help you concentrate. Focussing is then of benefit to all, not just to yourself.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“If you think success is impossible, it may nonetheless still happen, just that you won’t be able to keep hold of it.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“You company needs no help to take a negative direction. A positive direction requires first and foremost your entrepreneurial activities, the courage to innovate and an eye for the opportunities open to you rather than the risks that may exist.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Anyone who thinks that money is negative has yet to understand that it is neutral, and that it is you and your actions that determine its value.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“The location around you grows with you. It looks increasingly positive, provided your awareness is increasing every day.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Nothing is given but everything is possible. This principle is only valid if you convince your mind that it’s true.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“All forms of tyranny conceal weakness rather than strength.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Need-based acquisition arises from emotion, not need.” Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach
“Tomorrow’s demise can be avoided by seeing and reacting today.“ Anke Sommer – Entrepreneur and coach