Leadership Coaching Workshop 07

Giving the “Intuition” Adventure a Concrete Form

Leadership Principle:

Integrating intuitive perception in your personal leadership method.

Intuition means (among other things) ‘presentiment’. Most communication researchers now recognise it as an element in communication. Like any other aspect of communication, intuitive ability can be expanded and developed, but for that to happen you need a natural way of approaching your own intuition. This understanding is precisely the point that we work on during the workshop, thus laying the foundation for intuitive leadership.

Intuitive leadership: leaving well-trodden paths.

In this workshop, you participate in group processes during which you experience how and when your body consciousness communicates itself in the form of intuitive information. You will also experience how you can reach sound decisions outside the usual intellectual process, by letting your intuition give the answer. If the sense of a dilemma – whatever I do, it’ll be wrong – has impeded decision-making in the past, from now on you can use your intuition to reach decisions going forward.

This workshop also helps establish the link between ‘closed-off feeling’ and ‘somatic perception’. Activating your body perception is the precondition for intuitive communication. As someone with responsibility, you de-clutter your decision-making processes. You recognise situations more quickly and can make the necessary decisions more rapidly.

Without this insight, your actions will continue to be mainly steered by your intellect, that is, they are cognitively monitored – because the mind follows well-trodden paths unless you have dissolved this pattern. So under the mind’s direction we initially continue to live according to old patterns. If you follow your intuition, you make it possible to view things from other points of view.


Learning to distinguish between intuitive information and all other types of information

Laying bare your feelings

Shortening decision-making processes

Accessing your personal perception, without distortions

Leading in difficult conversations, opaque situations and inadequate conditions

Opening yourself up to intuitive leadership

Developing intuitive leadership

Linking cognitive and emotional leadership

Transferring this to your own current professional and private situation