The SOMMER Method ©The SOMMER Method © is a sociologically oriented model for action, developed by Anke Sommer and based on six LEADERSHIP values. The method has been subject to a constant development process since 2011 and is continually adapted to the latest findings in practice-related research. Anke Sommer has gathered experience since 1991 in the fields of crisis and conflict management, twin... is a sociologically oriented model for action, developed by Anke Sommer and based on six LEADERSHIP values. The method has been subject to a constant development process since 2011 and is continually adapted to the latest findings in practice-related research.
Anke Sommer has gathered experience since 1991 in the fields of crisis and conflict management, twin research, management work, company development and work with entrepreneurs and managers, and this wide range of experience is integrated into her method.
Problem areas in companies are always due to an imbalance in these six LEADERSHIP values. Certain values are being neglected while others are insufficiently honoured or adhered to excessively – and all three situations may be occurring at the same time.
This is why LEADERSHIP work according to the SOMMER Method © never approaches a situation from one single starting point, even if it does address the most acute deficit first.
The SOMMER Method © helps both companies and managers or people in responsible positions to ‘revitalise’ their company or department. In doing so, they learn increasingly to internalise and apply the method’s key statement: “Consistent, positive action benefits everyone”.
LEADERSHIP work as contained in the SOMMER Method © provides for a separate area for each of the six LEADERSHIP values. Sensitivity is applied and trained in Body Signal WorkAnke Sommer, inventor of body signal work, supports you in becoming aware of the messages of your body and in understanding them coherently..
In System Work, you discover old, previously unrecognised information that is causing deficits in the present. You address this information, thus re-establishing order.
The SOMMER Method © works from the inside outwards; in other words, if a manager wishes to embark on a development process, not only they, but also the organisation where they work, has a part to play: because both the individual and the organisation are involved in a systemic process that exerts a mutual influence, each entity determining the other. That’s why systemic organisation work is an inherent part of the SOMMER Method ©.
You need courage for the awareness-raising work within personality development, in order to remain objective when examining yourself and not to veer off into feelings of sadness. You accept things as they are.
In the field of conflict management, you learn to make something positive out of power that has hurtled out of control. You stay centred, even if your opposite number is not being helpful.
You distance yourself from aggression in the conflict and instead anchor yourself in feeling. In this way, you regain your ability to act in the present.
The company development integrated into the method anchors, in the long term, the value of the success that is built up on the basis of symbiotic success communities. The change management processes implemented in company development consequently establish a reform policy within the company.