Using the rules of logic to grasp the extent of the subconscious

This LEADERSHIP coaching workshop supports you in understanding your current situation – professional and private – in its systemic context. You learn how systems function, both through your own experiences and those of other participants.
You realise where the term ‘systemic power’ comes from and the extent to which it impacts your life. The LEADERSHIP workshop guides you to the starting points that make change possible for you.
Taking an outsized black box as an example, we demonstrate the systemic principle of cause and effect. You experience how this principle affects your own body and what physical impacts it has on you. This makes you both more aware and more able to act.
Above all, the black box is the pathway to answers and insights.
System coaching according to Anke Sommer gives you a new understanding of the words ‘fate’ and ‘chance’. You learn that by acting positively today, you can change what happens tomorrow to your advantage.
Awareness work is based on the following six pillars:
Working with the black box
Working with gravity and vibration
Working with figures
Working with synergy effects
Working with pressure and counter-pressure
Positive confrontation training
Working with somatic experience
Body Signal WorkAnke Sommer, inventor of body signal work, supports you in becoming aware of the messages of your body and in understanding them coherently. and Profiling based on the SOMMER method ©
Group Processes in Challenging Situations